Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010-Planning for the upcoming new year

I always talk about losing weight and hold on to the dream that I can one day fit into those pair of jeans again. This year is my time to quit talking about it and get it together. The seams on my pants can't handle the pain anymore and are threatening to bust open. Here's my commitment to myself:

-Starting Monday Jan 4 I will be hitting the gym and watching my intake of food
-I'm counting calories, all 1500 a day that I am allotting myself. More water intake, less cupcake intake.
-Hitting the gym, not just once, not just twice, at least 3 times a week. Ideally running 4 days a week.
-Lose weight healthly, live a better life style, quit being lazy (it's for losers!). Hopefully I will be able to lose at least 1-2 lbs a week.

I know I'm not severely overweight, but when your stomach has a permanent red crease from your fat when you sit down you know it's time to tighten things up.

Goal: 130 lbs (shooting for the gold)

This blog is more for me than for anyone else, to keep myself grounded and motivated. 5 more days until I start.

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